I wrote this peom shortly after september 11 occured, it speaks for itself

Hearts on our sleeves

As each day passes by, I plainly see
That this cynical world is not for me,
After September 11 and those crazy cunts,
Pulling their sucidal, ghastly stunts.

Fighting over religion and who's countries what,
Making chemical warfare for our brains to rot,
Hatred devours the hater as well as the hated,
Making anger and revenge completely over rated.

Where are our dreams,
Where is our hope,
With all this brutality,
How do we cope?

Do we just live on day by day?
Ignoring the nasty things
People do and say?
Do we fight each war with courage and strength?
And take on those bastards at any length!!

I ask myself, what do I believe?
Do I hold my head high
Or wear my heart on my sleeve,
The problem is....
I just dont know
Just have faith in yourself
Where ever you go.

Written by lisamarie
September 23, 2001

Poetry by lisamarie
Read 803 times
Written on 2009-02-09 at 13:03

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