Written for a musical project of mine.

You died with the sun

You died with the sun
that blissful day
and I wept
but somehow
you moved on
I didn't know

It was wind and fire;
bite your own tail

I can live in the shadows
but I try to remember

You died with the sun
yet you remain
now and forever
I long and I wonder
but I know a bit more

It was wind and fire;
bite your own tail

We will meet again

Poetry by J. E.
Read 1658 times
Written on 2009-03-01 at 16:13

Tags Soul  Hope  Death 

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Kathy Lockhart
A very clever and intriguing poem as tai has said. I too find bite your own tail a very contemplative line. I see through this the circle of life. I see what goes round comes round. I see completion. applaud!!


Wow! you are a clever man! lol and a great grip too it seems.

I love the title and the song will be a fine addition to your project. I am intrigued.

'Bite your own tail' is a brilliant line and I wonder the beat you will put to it?

I look forward to more.

Smiling at you,


liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
This grabs me
with powerful hands
and only lets me
go at the end.

Well Done on
this wonderful write.


Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Beautiful, sad, I don't know, this touched me

Elle x