Sometimes when I write, the outcome isn't always what I expect....

Perfect For Me...

I wanted to write the perfect words
The ones that would bring you back
To make you love me, the way you did
But as I wrote, I remembered the pain

The harshness of your words
The betrayal of my trust
The way you let us die
Then, I lost the will to try

As I wrote, I found, to my surprise
Some things are lost for a reason
Though there are times I miss you
All I really need, is to regain myself

The girl that trusted
The mother that believed
The woman that loved
Then I saw, this was for her......

Poetry by Purple Phoenix
Read 1376 times
Written on 2009-04-30 at 05:12

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Dee Daffodil
An emotionally difficult piece to write I think... As always...well done !

To write perfect words, that's the dream, that's what keeps us writing.

This is really beautifully done, the way the form changes with the focus of the words. I love it!

Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
Beautiful resolve...