Some other disaster

I had no inkling of her leaving,
But wait, there was something,
Something in her voice,
A predatory pause,
A laconic lull,
A seething silence,
Like you know,
What people say
They sense before an earthquake
Or some other disaster.

Chris Fernie, 2009

Poetry by Chris Fernie
Read 553 times
Written on 2009-05-18 at 10:18

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Kathy Lockhart
those premonitions are sometimes very silent but so loud in their insistance of being truth. I enjoyed the very expressive way you have used in relaying the experience. I felt this intensely.
Happy to see you back Chris. : ) kathy

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
For some rather obscure reason, this made me think of an old Eurovision song - really enjoyable, thanks Chris

Elle x

Rob Graber
A great simile!

(Great to see you resurface here, too.)