This is an autobiographical sort of work. I don't really think of it as a poem, but more like musings marking and recording personal events.
I have
Attention Deficit Disorder.
A doctor officially labeled
my condition as Adult A.D.D.
I have had it all my life
but it wasn't diagnosed
until after I became an adult,
after I was diagnosed with Major depression,
after my brother died when I was 5 months pregnant.
I always just thought it was my personality,
Wired with impulsivity to do too many things at once.
Then I find out I am a defective disorder.
My doctor put me on a drug called Adderall-
My house became perfect,don't ya know.
The lightbulb came on inside my head.
For the first time in years
I noticed the cobwebs
in the chandeliers.
I liked cleaning out the drawers-
No time to talk or smell the flowers.
My introversion turned insane one day
when I wanted to see
what three days without sleep would do to me.
Curiousity turned into hallucinations
and I began to see demons in inanimate objects
As if I was seeing in another dimension
Yet, I knew I was hallucinating.
After that, I stopped taking adderall.
I decided I liked the defective me afterall.
Poetry by melanie sue
Read 884 times
Written on 2009-06-04 at 01:44
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