Things could be a lot, lot worse.

Mantra for a happy ending

Thor stole my thunder,
Pandora stole my hope,
The Emperor stole my clothes,
Bankers stole my savings,
Politicians stole my trust,
Hackers stole my identity,
But you stole my heart.

Chris Fernie, 2009

Poetry by Chris Fernie
Read 555 times
Written on 2009-06-20 at 09:19

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
seems like a lot of people are in love at the moment - :-)

Elle x

melanie sue
I love this too! lol
It's all about attitude. :)

Things could be...
a lot, lot better.

But your perspective
is better.

Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
Ah... nice to have a heart that can be stolen. A very happy ending indeed. :) I love this.