In some cultures the birth of a girl is met with grief. Often the child is killed directly after birth, sometimes with poison but some are also buried alive. This acrostic is for her.

Flower of the deeper soil



Forgive me for not knowing

Leaving you folded and frail

Of your life I knew so little

Where your eyes shut in your grave?

Every bone now braided brittle

Resting scattered in your jail


On this soil no names are written

Flowers root on your remains


There are poppies   on your innocence

Hortensia`s on your undone

Every last kiss kissed by rain, every embrace by the sun


Deeper soil still holds your fright

Echoes of your last cry still lingers

Earth holds a little girl

Pale bones of tiny feet and fingers

Eternal is your presence here

Ribbons of flowers tied with care


Silent sister   birds are singing

Of your holy return to earth

In a better place someone is waiting 

Longing for a soul´s  rebirth



Poetry by Emelén The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 959 times
Written on 2009-06-29 at 20:48

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Zoya Zaidi
Dear Catherine, this is a very very poignant piece of poetry! Yes, some who die very young, they can never be forgotten- the scars remain deep within...
I hope you are doing well, dear one?

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
A deep and moving , prose. Tho some parts of the world have changde , thear is much more needid too be dun. Tho sadly thear are still to many parts of the world , that have not gust stood still , but goon back to ages past , or should be in the pastl.Some clame '' it's our colcher! , it's our right! GRRRRR. saide by MEN! But the worse of it is as in femail muterlastion , suported , even caide out by WOMAN on WOMAN , GRRRRRR!!!

Ken ( D Williams )