This poet is for people that seems to feel that time has just past them by

where did time go

As time go by I sit back and wounder, My how you have grown in just a little time. I remembe when I first got you, you will always say."Mom I love you" and I will tell you "I love you too". With all my heart and my soul. You never relly know how I just don't want to let you go. Hate good byes I am not going to lie. So I will just say my how time fly. I hope in time that you will always know how much I have seen just how much you have grew. I know I have to let you go, but it is just to hard you know. So at this time I will just say I will always love you all the way to till the end of time. Even as time passes me by.

Poetry by C.D.N
Read 580 times
Written on 2009-08-07 at 22:52

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Great Write!