Just new... trying to navigate my way.
Rosy lips and cheeks of crimson cheer
I step out, boldly smiling, on the tightrope
And toss away my balance pole – and fear
Underneath the colour application
My skin is pale – internal, vague, opaque
I spend too much time awake
In the company of tragedy
And disdain, I sometimes hear
I care not for the bitter and the agitant
There is far too much to burden without force
It matters not the course of dancing ponies
Or the gossip of the famous 'whose affairs will cause divorce?'
It is the cheap end of the stadium I ponder
Though from here I see the glowing hearts below
They are dotted inconsistently among the frey
Upturned faces gape before the breathcatch of the day
And each trick I might do
I make a wish on you
Inverted of the stars, you are my constant view
Bring me... courage and resilience, comfort, warmth and care
Consistency of being, and integrity to spare
Bring me presence, ever vigilant, the skills to keep my word
Happiness abundantly
... and humility
Poetry by cloudsinging
Read 441 times
Written on 2009-08-17 at 16:09
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New trick pony
I am a barefoot circus girl externallyRosy lips and cheeks of crimson cheer
I step out, boldly smiling, on the tightrope
And toss away my balance pole – and fear
Underneath the colour application
My skin is pale – internal, vague, opaque
I spend too much time awake
In the company of tragedy
And disdain, I sometimes hear
I care not for the bitter and the agitant
There is far too much to burden without force
It matters not the course of dancing ponies
Or the gossip of the famous 'whose affairs will cause divorce?'
It is the cheap end of the stadium I ponder
Though from here I see the glowing hearts below
They are dotted inconsistently among the frey
Upturned faces gape before the breathcatch of the day
And each trick I might do
I make a wish on you
Inverted of the stars, you are my constant view
Bring me... courage and resilience, comfort, warmth and care
Consistency of being, and integrity to spare
Bring me presence, ever vigilant, the skills to keep my word
Happiness abundantly
... and humility
Poetry by cloudsinging
Read 441 times
Written on 2009-08-17 at 16:09

NicholasG |
NicholasG |