lost love

Promises Made

Yesterday's goals, dim memories.
Dark saddened eyes, blurring with tears.
Painful scars borne; Love's history.
Futures crumble when doubt appears.

No brightly lit hope envisioned,
When following after harsh words.
Hurt soul splits in twain, partitioned.
Swooned by appeal - when numbness lured.

Apologies made, never bought.
Price paid turned out far too costly.
Though never known what would be wrought -
Must walk into the night softly.

One wish, only to be released.
Granted - now receive this token.
Words written in rhyme, love's deceased.
When promises made . . . were broken.

Poetry by Klutch
Read 1027 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2009-10-19 at 17:41

Tags Lost  Love  2 

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Doreen Cavazza
Very true are these words. Very nicely said. I like this.