The Girl From The Black Forrest

I am the girl from the black forrest

once you have entered

you are soon to be lost.

In the atumnal forrest

on the other side of the river

your echo will make no reply.

Behind the hollow trees

the yellow eyes of night are lurking,

glimmering maliciously.

In the shade of a valt of atumn leafs

where death lies in wait,

I will appear to you as a vision of vaporized desire.

From the darkside i will reach for your hand

and in a haze of mist you will feel my lips

wispering, .................... please come.

Flowers of evil emerge from the cold ground

as my silhouett embraces the moist soil

the place where shadows are safe.

From the frozen garden anxious star escape.

They can not se me

I am the girl with eyelids closed, over endless black eyes.

Poetry by Elise
Read 843 times
Written on 2009-10-25 at 23:07

Tags Forrest  Gothic  Girl 

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Maria Christina
Magical! Drew me in, wanting to explore this forest more deeply, & the last 2 lines felt like a cold spirit stroked the back of my neck. Lovely!

Rex Panthera
"from the frosen garden anxious star will escape" kanske du vill skriva om en smula? Det låter lite lustigt. "frosen"(frusen?) stavas "frozen" dessutom.

Annars en intressant dikt, och din engelska är mycket bra måste jag säga. Bra läsning rakt igenom.

Får nog be om ursäkt för att jag börjar med kritik, men antog att du ville veta om du gjort en eller två tabbar. Konstruktiv kritik som man brukar säga^^.

There is something inherently frightening about entering a Black Forest, you have added a magical vision to the experience, that someone is waiting, and something magical will happen. A little scary.

This poem is a journey, one to begin with trepidation, but the rewards are there.