
Insignificant Saturday,
arrival unfolds uncertainty,
questions laid bare
stay unanswered.

Loneliness of doubt apparent,
knowledge fearsome
as silence, immobile,
carries into efficiency.

Caught in the spectrum
of loyalty and caring,
waiting for blue arrival
on Februarys icy breath.

Hollow sits upon unspoken words,
waiting ..........
'til surrounded by love
and rhythmic resonance.

Closed eyes, smooth brow,
simulated rise and fall
until gentle words
fade our hope.

Emotions spill over
into anxious sleep
leaving two shouldering
darkness and dawn.

Dimmed lights,
clock capturing time
taking hope prisoner
with every punctuated breath.

Strange easy calm,
unnervingly poignant,
a dam
holding back emotions.

Oxygen's generosity dissipates
surrounding silence,
then the hush....
thunders in our hearts.

Surreal disbelief,
significant Sunday.

Poetry by shells
Read 801 times
Written on 2009-11-05 at 01:17

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Esti D-G The PoetBay support member heart!
shit, this is good.

A cold and desolate Saturday night is my perception. I feel I've been there but don't really want to return. The mood is nearly palatable.
Thank you, Nick

Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
I love it!

You searched deeply in your soul to find this, and it has great significance to me as a result.

thank you for sharing,

Smiling at you in empathy
