Innocents Are Dying

Bombing, killing, people are dying
Terrorism, can it be stop?
Goverment what are you doing?
The system is so corrupt
How many years is been the war?
Mindanao is still in chaos
Killing happens in unknown hour
Why having useless truce?
People are always been blamed
For not cooperating with the system
We already cooperate with shamed
Is the goverment aren't ashame?
Selfish politics with there critic
Dictating nightmare propaganda in vain
Stating it is really for the crisis
But all they do is pretend
Is there another way to live?
Innocent's screaming, goverment lying
Should we stand for a fight?
There family's crying, innocents are dying

Poetry by Mark Leo Dayao
Read 725 times
Written on 2009-12-10 at 15:07

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