..Just tryin to figure it out...why..how..what...where.....

Hmmm...(What is Love?)

What is love?
Is it like a fire...
that lights up the action,brings satisfaction,
ablaze with passion,in raging fashion?
Does it make you buckle,when you it circles
as it crackles with many sparkles?

Where is love?
Is it on a land,perhaps an island
full of sand with a playing band?
Does it live around,up on a cloud
that thunders aloud,is it nice is it proud?

How is love?
Is it like the color purple,so warm so supple
that makes that loving couple,
end up getting married in a chapel?
Is it like the color red,
that says alot even when unsaid,
that likes places especially the bed,
where other things and love are made?

When is love?
Is it at day,when we laugh when we play
when all we say and pray,
is for our love to grow and become
like stacks and stacks and stacks of hay?
Is it at night, when the light is not bright
when the only thing that might cause a fright
Is our emotions flying high like a.... kite?

What you are is love,
Where u are there is love,
I love how you love..
and when you love.
Love is...what we have!

Poetry by in'kwa
Read 860 times
Written on 2006-02-17 at 08:40

Tags Love 

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a perfect definition of what love really is.we are love,thats it.thankyou,i think i finally understand that.thankyou.

Zoya Zaidi
Wow! in'kwa,
A real flight of imagination,
What a lovely orignal piece,
Full of subtle humour and sensitivity...


Love, xxx, Zoya