march 2, 2010 @ 4am

The Shadows Against a Wall

Ease my mind, O Father
My thoughts fly with worry and fear.

Yet what do I fear with You around?

They are simply shadows,
tricks of the Dark against a wall
masking the truth of its emptiness.

Poetry by strangelady13
Read 623 times
Written on 2010-03-02 at 13:06

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For the God has not given us the spirit of fear! People need to understand that God is love and only good. The devil is a lie and nothing but hate.

God does not waver from a loving God to evil and hate. The world blames God for the bad things that happen to them. All God does is allows mankind to acquire a reprobate mind; that is to do as one seems fit even when wrong.

The bible has all the answers to our worldly problems, man need to spend more time with God in the spirit; God is not a carnal being. God is not on the same level as mankind. You can't do wrong and then call on God as if he is some sidekick or poker partner ready to cut a deal!

To walk with God can be and for the most part a decision the knowing make for that walk is a lonely one; in the end there's the glory. This I know.

Bless ya!