March 13/10 @ 12am
((Song of Songs 2:10))
with music drifting in the
background lightly.
Majestically, He stands:
handsome, strong, stately.
With confidence in every stride,
He approaches.
As He nears, my breath quickens;
I know He comes for me.
Eyes on mine, He reaches me--
reaches for my hand.
He speaks, saying,
"Arise, My darling,
My beautiful One.
Come with Me."
And we dance.
Poetry by strangelady13
Read 625 times
Written on 2010-03-14 at 07:43
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((Song of Songs 2:10))
The night is young and beautifulwith music drifting in the
background lightly.
Majestically, He stands:
handsome, strong, stately.
With confidence in every stride,
He approaches.
As He nears, my breath quickens;
I know He comes for me.
Eyes on mine, He reaches me--
reaches for my hand.
He speaks, saying,
"Arise, My darling,
My beautiful One.
Come with Me."
And we dance.
Poetry by strangelady13
Read 625 times
Written on 2010-03-14 at 07:43

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