What is an artist?

An interesting definition of what is an artist:

"A person who lives for his obsession, the greatest challenge of his life being to intellectualize, idealize and materialize it."

Words by Christian Lanciai The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 658 times
Written on 2010-03-31 at 14:59

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I don't think there is any better way of saying it! But for some of us, we have to convince people that we aren't insane as well!!

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Fore art is art , in 1971 , I visited The Hermtige in Leningrad. A masive museam of all forms of art. To much to enjoy in one viset , sas can be imagined. In the tourst grupe I was with none apart from a cole could be saide to be educaited in art as such. Anyway we all loked at as much as time would alow , '' thats a pitcher of a house/forest / vilige/vase of floers '' , you get the pitcher I think . Then we came acrose cubisam serislim.l They made us stop and think and talk about what we could see witn in our minds. Then weunderstood the point and meening of the art form. Maybe we did indeed intellectualize the art , but in no way were we arty fartys.The artist would have been very happy with the response their art reseved with us.