
Should I smile?

Should I Smile Because You're My Friend
Or Cry Because Thats All We'll Ever Be?

A Million Words Would Not Bring You Back,
I Know Because I've Tried.
Neither Would A Million Tears,
I Know Because I've Cried.

Forget The Times You Walked By,
Forget The Times You've Made Me Cry,
Forget The Time You Held My Hand,
Forget The Sweet Things If I Can,
I Can No Longer Pretend,
I Have To Remember Now That You're Just A Friend

When I Look At You My Heart Skips
A Beat But Later That Beat Could Mean
A Lifetime Of Tears Wasted ...On Something I Knew I Could Never Have

How Can You Be Friends With Someone
If Everytime You Look At Them It Makes
You Want Them Even More?

My Heart Was Taken By You,
Broken By You And Now
Is In Pieces Because Of You.

As Part Of You Has Grown In Me,
Together Forever Shall We Be,
Never Apart Maybe In Distance But Not In Heart

Poetry by Ryce ^_^
Read 728 times
Written on 2010-04-14 at 00:14

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Melissa Ormond
Such a beautiful poem that expresses true emotion and true talent within itself! Well done:)

this is amazing ryce

keep up the good work
