I had my first sape' lesson today. Sape' is a traditional Dayak instrument, like a guitar carved out of a tree trunk. It's very heavy and rather difficult to play, at least at first. As a tribute to my first successful lesson and the patience of my tea


Diajar oleh guru
Bapak 'ni Dayak

Dengarlah lagu ini
Gaya 'ni adat

Ingatlah ceritanya
Yang b'lum kenal

Sejarah manusia
Kembali ke asal

Dengar irama ini
Mulailah bergoyang

Ikutlah adat kita
Hargai nenek moyang

Ini musik sape'
Hafal dengan cepat

Supaya 'cara gawai
Bisa dibuat
Taught by my teacher
This man is Dayak

Listen to this song
This style is traditional

Remember the story
That you do not yet know

The history of mankind
Returning to the origin

Listen to this rhythm
And begin to sway

Follow our tradition ("our" here includes the listener)
Respect ancestors

This is sape' music
Memorize it quickly

So that the post harvest ritual
Can be done

Poetry by CPom
Read 813 times
Written on 2010-04-23 at 19:39

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Thanks for your kind comments, Jim!

Thanks for your kind comments, Jim!

Thanks for your kind comments, Jim!

This is gently sweet and touching. I especially like your line:

Remember the story
That you do not yet know

That is beautiful. Good luck with your lessons.
