
Swimming in the sea below
Sleek gray shapes dip and flow
laughing in their own true way
They enjoy the light of day
A school of fish is just a snack
For fishing they just have the nack
Surfing waves just for fun
Soaking up the rays of the sun
For them life is just a game
Why cant we just make it the same

Poetry by ???????
Read 987 times
Written on 2006-02-25 at 15:23

Tags Fun  Life 

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Dolphins are one of my favourite sea-dwelling creatures! Great write. :_)

yay dolphins!! very good depiction of the life dolphins lead.. in short brilliant! :D

Yes yes, I like this one...maybe because I'm a sucker for dolphins, but oh well :}

This write is wonderful! The last line is really good. Really puts thought into the whole thing. ^_^