every day ...
Evening or
Every day...
Too play
Every day...
If you can't
u are miss
The day...
With your life
Play play
Every day play
Not in bed
Or home...
Play to ground
Stand and sit
Jump and hump
With play...
Age and sex
Hear is no bar...
Play to day
To with every day...
yes...it is
good for health
Life to much wealth...
Too play
Poetry by otteri selvakumar
Read 1387 times
Written on 2006-03-01 at 15:48
Tags Play 
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Play with every day
Every dayEvening or
Every day...
Too play
Every day...
If you can't
u are miss
The day...
With your life
Play play
Every day play
Not in bed
Or home...
Play to ground
Stand and sit
Jump and hump
With play...
Age and sex
Hear is no bar...
Play to day
To with every day...
yes...it is
good for health
Life to much wealth...
Too play
Poetry by otteri selvakumar
Read 1387 times
Written on 2006-03-01 at 15:48
Tags Play 
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