Every Time My Heart Beats

Early in the morning, deep into the night
If the sun is shining, or if the moon is bright
It doesn't really matter, at any time it's true.
Every time my heart beats, I have a thought of you.

Girl, I'm thinking of you, only all the time.
Every time my heart beats, you are on my mind.
I think about your sweet smile
And the awesome things you do.
Only always, darling,
I'm lost in thoughts of you.

Early in the morning, deep into the night
If the sun is shining, or if the moon is bright
It doesn't really matter, at any time it's true.
Every time my heart beats, I have a thought of you.

I see you when I'm dreaming, and in the clouds above.
Even with my eyes closed, I see your face, my love.
When the wind is blowing
It's your voice that I hear.
My heart is aching.
I so wish you were near.

Early in the morning, deep into the night
If the sun is shining, or if the moon is bright
It doesn't really matter, at any time it's true.
Every time my heart beats, I have a thought of you.

Poetry by justaguy
Read 445 times
Written on 2010-12-22 at 05:04

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John Ashleigh
A beautiful description and defintion of lust and devotion. Radiant and heartfelt. Thanks for sharing.


Libyan Rose
True emotions,nice poem .Thanks for share it us