written on april 10.05 once again...it appears i was in a very happy, spiritual mood


I open my mouth to speak,
but only silence spills
All I can do is stand in awe of
You, for no words can describe
Your beauty.

When I am outside, walking in the
midst of Your creation, I cannot
capture the beauty
that has been put into Your

Even now, as I am writing this,
I cannot find the right words to
illustrate Your love.
Words are not enough for
You are indescribable.

Poetry by strangelady13
Read 829 times
Written on 2005-07-23 at 01:34

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You are inspiring to the Word of God. Keep writing as you are a blessed child of Him.

chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
the love of life, love, the ways of the lord shining down, bringing joy to the heart, aye spiritual, as we all feel during the course of the road, a good piece, light and smiling.