Deep inside every Egyptian's water and soap
And through their trials to wash their country
From any dope
I find a colored shining hope


( 1 )

Deep inside every Egyptian's water and soap
And through their trials to wash their country
From any dope
I find a colored shining hope
( 2)
Revolutions deliver beautiful newly born faces
When ugly old asses are gone
( 3 )
The Revolutions which raised by cracked people
For bread
Can never reach consummation
of any rounded loaf
( 4 )
A Failure Revolution
Could sit a fool
On a wise throne
( 5 )

Pure youth Revolution
Transforms the stubborn King
Into a tender slave
(But Not)

Poetry by Aisha Razem
Read 979 times
Written on 2011-02-07 at 18:43

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!

I found this poem full of hope and beautifully written

xxx Stn