Just Words?

I can take you somewhere

without you leaving,

speaking, but not listening,

choices made

open to interpretation,

words may dance to

rhythm without music

while rhyme sings

from the soul

and always...

my heart fills the page,

oh the power of poetry!

Poetry by shells
Read 713 times
Written on 2011-02-24 at 18:59

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Not so much preaching to the coyer , more like being a member of the coyer , singing from the same page , with each taking turns to sing a solo.

Robert Frost said "A complete poem is one where emotion has found its thought, and the thought has found the words." When your "heart fills the page" it is never "just words".

No, not just words, thankfully.
Poetry is the food of the soul :-)
And you have filled yet another page
with the wonders of your heart.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
We are poet's , we are powerful , fore we have shown in our '' mere word's '''.We can say what others fear to say. With our word's we all make a difference. We are wordsmiths!
Thanks , Shells
Ken D Williams ( : - ) )

Rob Graber
Indeed! This may be preaching to the choir here on the bay; but it's a great sermon anyway!

Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
More than "just words"

Lovely, because I can hear the soul speaking.

John Ashleigh
The power of poetry indeed!

A pleasant read, thankyou.