

The summer sun
alters the mood
in your eyes,
the shadows
that were present
just a moment ago
melt away
into the unknown.

High up,
climbing through the clouds,
stalking the skies,
dancing on the wind
like a dragon - I see a kite
bursting with joy,
I imagine it is my heart
set free.

Poetry by Nathalia
Read 1071 times
Written on 2016-06-07 at 11:32

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A graceful poem, which instills the eagerness to read more, much more, of your work! Well done.

Bibek The PoetBay support member heart!
Lovely. Soft and contemplating. I like the tone of your poem.

Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
How beautiful. Summer emerging can give inspiration to wonderful things. Perhaps it has been a long cold lonely winter.

Kathy Lockhart
In the light the truth is revealed and the truth shall set you free. Soar to the heights of Heaven like a kite without strings.
I love the image of the dragon. There is power in the dragon, in freedom, in truth. I love this powerful poem.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Wonderful, a free spirit poem, thank you

Elle x

You set the scene in stanza one and skillfully provide the perfect analogy in stanza two. The soaring kite exemplifies so much. Enjoyed.


Ivan R
A great poem, alive, just great*