
Besides this absurd nature, of which we no longer belong,
Belief alongside the creator resides well within roots of the wrong.

Our image, though hidden 'hind flashes and smiles,
Malevolent narcissists born in denial, may yet
Be redeemed if esteem comes to swallow
First pride, rather than blood.

Millennial dissidence ought to stand out!
The age of technology, crisis, and clout...
Connected, plugged in, set down for the blind,
Creativity drowning in drought...

Were we all born a success?
Then how could it be
That our infinite failures brought us
Down to our knees?

Sure, we may see a few rocks in our space.
We may document history, race by race.
Surely we marry, but evolution of love?
Our marriages segregate, multiply, then erase.

Of course we stand tall all alone in our halls,
High on opinions protected by law.
Slouching unseen behind touch or view screens
Seems the meanest perspective, surely a conjecture,
Of what it may mean to be man.

When belief's out of sync with the movement of feet,
When morale's upheld more in filth on the streets
Then complete in our ledgers of rapture,
Then you may see the true image of man,
The image no camera can capture.

Poetry by Phill
Read 915 times
Written on 2013-08-26 at 21:16

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Speak it out and share the insight. Thanks for posting! So good to be reading you again :-)