About Mark, way back when...

and then i dream

The wondrous simplicities of life
i met him just two weeks ago
oh but it feels like years
for it is years that i have searched
and when i could have cared less,
there he was.

knowing him is like looking at a mirror
and loving the reflection.
encompassing all the beauty of the one,
not that the one
rather the one that was a fantasy.

i dared not hope for it was too unreal
instead i dreamt and told no one
most dreams reside in dream realm
a few cross over
to form the wondrous simplicities of life.

Poetry by Kat
Read 849 times
Written on 2010-02-13 at 23:12

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My dream has left the dream real, once on the shore waiting for me to arrive via ocean liner. She clings dearly, head in my chest and whispering softly her desire. My wait was for years upon years, through fire after fire to arrive where I reside today. The scars are well worth the pleasure and I cannot truthfully say I remember the bad times with grey skies week in and week out.

Your poetry has the ability to sent the heart amidst once upon a time to happily ever after. We choose the latter of the two, agree?

Great poem, well written and poetic flow that remains enchanting from beginning to finish. You have a wonderful way with words that are felt like cool water on one's skin!

My dream has left the dream real, once on the shore waiting for me to arrive via ocean liner. She clings dearly, head in my chest and whispering softly her desire. My wait was for years upon years, through fire after fire to arrive where I reside today. The scars are well worth the pleasure and I cannot truthfully say I remember the bad times with grey skies week in and week out.

Your poetry has the ability to sent the heart amidst once upon a time to happily ever after. We choose the latter of the two, agree?

Great poem, well written and poetic flow that remains enchanting from beginning to finish. You have a wonderful way with words that are felt like cool water on one's skin!