Communication has many tools and equipment .. but still .. Language is more imporant than any else..


I want to speak one more Language
That everybody can easily speak
Same as our food or as beverage
If not, it means, we are weak

I wish I could deal with people
In everywhere, whatever they are
I hope I can once be able
To become a friend to those are aware

Serious or peaceful situations
Should not affect our hearts
The poverty or luxury nations
Are only our world' parts

Poetry by Farag M. Afify
Read 1142 times
Written on 2014-07-18 at 03:58

Tags Poetry  Communication  Language 

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dott Print text Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
I wish I knew more than two languages of this world... I feel like I'm missing out on so much to not know more. That's what this fine writing made me think of, and I enjoyed that a lot - thanks.

Chaucer Whethers The PoetBay support member heart!
Excellent sentiments in poem form.
The world is lost without understanding,