Ever wonder why we drink? To get rid of those memories. 24th April 2006


Do you remember?


I remember only the pain.


Can you feel me?


Like it was yesterday.


Do you cry?


Every night I search.


Is it my smile?


A love that hurts.


Did you see?


Only the pack of lies.




I’ve longed all my life.


The last words were?


Nothing, a silence.


What is it you feel?


A craving for violence.



So, I drink.

Poetry by John Ashleigh
Read 1565 times
Written on 2006-04-24 at 17:59

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Kathy Lockhart
John, powerful write here. It pounded loudly in my spirit. Pain, heartache, rejection all serve up intense emotion. I feel it in your poem.

I am floored.
Powerful, truthful,
unapologetic, and eloquent.

Christian Ward
This is such an honest poem, every word feels ripped out of your heart. Makes you want to weep after reading.

Thanks for the journey

Lot of truths here John,but its not the answer just a blanket,but at least you've put this in the ball park, well done.

i really like this poem a lot!!! this is a great write and keep them comming!!!!
lots of love from amber lynn