what to do

it's not difficult to be
fatalistic and defeatist
when by our nature, we
look up from techno stupor
and connect proverbial dots
but also rises within, instinct
to stand up for what is right and
fight, moreso, if our toes are under
those of Goliath on a smug campaign
in an obviously uneven playing field

Poetry by arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 648 times
Written on 2017-02-15 at 10:06

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
I love the term "techno stupor". Not many people stand up for what is right anymore. Or when they do stand up they usually do not know the full story of their cause. The word "idealistic" is now an insult. There is no more honor, generosity or courtesy. Don Quixote has died in our hearts. I know that this fine piece is probably about american politics. Forgive me my little rant.