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I Will Not Forget

I have a date with destiny,
you said and smiled.
Kissed me good-bye
and away you danced
along the fading light
of a city street.

The rain poured down.
Night after night
I waited for something
- a token perhaps
of your lingering love -
a sign that you had not forgotten.

But it has been weeks, months
- maybe even an eternity - since
and I have yet to hear from you.
All I am left with is a tiny piece
of my broken heart and the promise,
'I will not forget'.

Poetry by Nathalia
Read 223 times
Written on 2023-03-04 at 20:54

Tags Love  Loss  Memories 

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Those who suffered in life
Will enjoy this poem deeply!

D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
A sad sweet poem, that for me conveys the impermanence of love.

I like this poem about loss, especially because it is not bitter or self-pitying. Certain people come into our lives and leave, but not really--they stay in our memories and that does not always have to be a painful thing.

Beautiful poem.

This is beautifully tragic ... your work is full of such feeling thats why i love it:)