Originally published in a book by the same title.  2006.



Subtraction Flower

You could die for it--


or refuse it altogether

and know nothing

except the urgency

of youth.  Men


have been


for ages

carrying the

stoniest of hearts

in their broad chests

while we women


begin too early

brush the brown leaves

from our shoulders, go

from bloom to fade

as soon as

we see the sunrise


We let our eyes go first

Then there is the limp lolling

of our hearts from side to side

the tongue we cut away

the blind kiss on the backlash of night

the giving giving giving of skin


As women

we blindly wish

past the climax of passion

as we vanish into a world of men

whose ribcages we were scraped from

Perhaps we are born of seeds

our essence crawling up the stem

to feed the bees



every flower you see

is a woman

and when

she's in bloom

and when she is blooming


and when her leaves are wingbeats

of green in the autumn wind

beating wings of green, yes

even as the wind tries to humiliate her

it fails because

she's in love

and only she would die for it.

Poetry by Lisa Zaran
Read 1195 times
Written on 2015-04-06 at 05:18

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
Interesting. But faintly angry. That is sad.