God Is Benevolent

God can be vengeful but he's mostly benevolent.
He helps us when we're down, he is magnificent.
God kept one of my relatives safe in Vietnam because of people's prayers.
God will never forsake us and he loves all of us, he truly cares.
It's like the money says, 'In God We Trust'.
God is wonderful and he's always there for us.

Poetry by Randy Johnson
Read 1256 times
Written on 2015-05-24 at 22:59

Tags God  Prayer  Religion 

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
A baby born dead - a child dies - of no age at all
A woman denied help - in the name of god
Men - wonan - live to be a 100 - killed milllans - genaside
Live cumftaberly - never sufferde any thing at all
God's a fantasey
BUT - if beliveing gets those who do through life - flowts thear boat
Good for you - I'll stick to beliveing in humanity - for whats it's worth!
Ken (D Williams)

Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
Not everyone would agree although I do. Though at times it is difficult to accept. Nice piece.