if you can imagine

my heart
is a guitar without strings

my mind
sprouts like a land after the drought

my hopes
drifting tiles without their grout

my eyes
silently, unplugged ears at airport arrivals

my hands
solar panels on a cloudy day

my feet
tineless forks

my mouth
toothless combs

my lips
zippers derailed

my poem
smoke clearing after four-score pile up

              and my thoughts
the resulting six-hour congestion and detoured diversions

              see, I'm visibly moved

_ __ ___ ✒

Poetry by arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 637 times
Written on 2015-06-20 at 10:02

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
The things you describe tell the story so well. The good news is your mind is still alive and your hopes though loose are still around. A very moving piece.

You have described the emptiest of feelings as if after a break up with a loved one. Very well done.