* * *


I am made of
time and hands.
What you desire
I devour voraciously.
I will take you,
break you,
mold you into
pitiful little pieces.

I thrive, I come alive
on your pain.
What makes you sick
makes me tick - tock - tick
as time flies
right into my mouth,
time which I am made of
I desire to devour.

Poetry by Nathalia
Read 1094 times
Written on 2015-08-07 at 22:42

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
A very good write. It gives an element and personification to time that I had never thought of. Well done.

This is amazing. So well written.
We should write something similar about gravity.:)

I always knew Time was working against me, but I've never seen the bastard described quite so vividly.

Powerful words; incisive language.