explore my poetic world. peek inside my brain.


How can you be sad
on this sunny day
when you and summer crossed each other's paths?

The world is not only words
the brain is not just for writing and speaking
but for seeing and hearing.

Seeing the river, this endless source of beauty
hearing the breeze, feeling it softly caressing your cheek
these are experiences that need no words.

Stop reading this poem and go outside
open your heart to love and pride
pride for what you achieved
pride for what you'll achieve
pride for being a small particle
of this endless circle of life.

Poetry by Eva
Read 1464 times
Written on 2015-08-24 at 22:46

Tags Nature  Life  Happiness 

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
A great piece that makes you think about life and getting out into it. Well done.

Arunesh dixit
Very charming and motivating. This is a good work.

- Arunesh

Ivan R
A nice poem, a more so greater insight on life today, outside and inside, great thought