Wrote it as a song for a band. I'm pretty sure that's still happening... Not quite finished, the original copy got trashed so I'm trying to remember it.


Were a part of me,
It's true,
And while you beat me black and blue,
I thought of better days with you...

Days when we could laugh again,
didn't care what was down the lane,
but now my love for you is my pain.

(Chorus) Call me a fool,
laugh at my pain,
just a guy and his umbrella,
out in the rain,
I gave you love and it's a token,
that you're broken.

What's the point of this life we live?
What's the point of this love we give?
What's the point of the love we share?
What's the point of that steely stare?
What's the point of my heart that rends?
What's the point of "we're just friends"?
What's the point of proving me wrong?
What's the point of singing this song?

(Chorus) Call me a fool,
laugh at my pain,
just a broken-hearted loser,
out in the rain,
You gave me hate and it's a token,
that you're broken.

I'm running,
but you want me back,
too bad,
I'm just too smart for that,
and let my burning legs be a token,
that we're broken.

Poetry by Lucas
Read 1543 times
Written on 2006-05-03 at 01:05

Tags Sadness  Relationships 

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Hope it works out well - once the music and vocals are put together and all that!

Awwwwwww. It's really good! Whatever you do to it, don't change the overall feel of it! It's too good!!

this was fabouous i hope that it becomes a hit!!! :)

amber lynn

Gah! That was so good!!!! Why can't I write music that good?! I love it very muchly!!!! It sounds like a song that should be on the bestseller list-- or whatever it's called in music!!!