what is our life?

hopeless and aimless we are the forgotten footprints of our ancestor our idiotic buffoonery is explicit in our attempt to fill the fathomless void

there is a sophisticated graffiti on the morbid wall of this rotten city that says We Are Beautiful People that says Our Life Is Beautiful the graffiti is lying it is full of prejudice the truth is We Are Ugly Machines Functioning Smoothly

our life is an ashamed anthem a summer that loathes the scorching sun a monsoon that is afraid of rain a spring which neglects the beautiful blossom a winter which is not white but black our life is a mere paradox we hate mirrors and world within

inhaling dusty air filled with nicotine drinking toxic water which is addictive we dream in daylight with our eyes wide open

reminiscent of those evening spent in ecstasy those twilight that brought the numerous pieces of puzzle all together and solved our agony in great fashion those sunsets that brought the cool breeze of freedom filled with solace but these days the pieces of puzzle are lost for eternity and our life remains incomplete and unsolved these days the twilight only brings the vicious hailstorm of anarchy

somehow the past is all we have tragically the present is miserable unfortunately the future seems infamous

for ages we've been wandering through the crowded lanes of this deserted valley in a search of an angelic light because a great saint once said God Exist

till now we have found nothing but a halo that disappears every time we open our eyes maybe God lies in our darkness in our nightmarish wandering

spiritually corrupted, emotionally bankrupt and thoughtfully crippled our life is nothing but bubbles of mundane acidic rain

and every narration till now is my own fantasy my own anecdote I don't know the truth but it feels as if the family is false it appears as if the society is a mirage and we exist as if life is doomed beyond any hope what are we ? what is our life? if there is any

Poetry by Saurav Bashyal
Read 590 times
Written on 2016-01-06 at 19:26

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It's the story of mankind, said brilliantly. Your words speak the truth of the story of our lives, since the beginning.

Brilliant. The hopelessness of living is all around us and the way you've presented it is so breathtaking. Morose in all the right places evil in all the right places and down right depressing in all the right places. This poem is one we should be screaming through the streets of any city. This is a poem that should be a call to arms for all of us sick of being 21st century schizoid men. I love it. Bravo.