Words about the inadequacy of words...

O Christabel!

O Christabel, my darling Christabel!
I long for language fit to sing her praise;
But of her beauty all falls far, far short--
Drooped, faded, even loftiest word and phrase.

And when I think to compliment her mind,
Mere words again prove not up to the task,
But drooped and faded still. And thus I find
Myself struck silent twice, and dumbly ask,

Why my poor mind must waste itself this way.
Will words come into sudden flower,
And thereby let this hapless poet say
What now appears so far beyond their power?

Yet there seems nothing I can do but try,
While Christabel is she, and I am I.

Poetry by Rob Graber
Read 773 times
Written on 2016-02-05 at 21:27

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A sonnet it is, made up with beautiful but seemingly perfect yet inadequate words.
A superb write worthy or your ability.

maybe the language has nothing to see with our own intimate self that doesn't require any translation

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Excellent, Rob. I swear, you could write a fine sonnet in your sleep.

"Words are very unnecessary...." Every profound thought can be expressed through the lyrics of 80s songs. Jesting aside, this is so sweet! With it's flower metaphor and all. The last line is such a happy resignation -- no resolution, just continuing on, being what you are.