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31 years old from

The latest comments that Mklnay has written.

Do your Worst - This Strength is Mine

A wonderful poem about strength. Taste of the dramatic too, in the middle!

I loved it!

For the Magically Unusual.

Beautiful. As usual. :] We can always expect wonderful pieces from you, Nicholas, and I'm glad to see this one.


Create amity.

Ya know, the thing about your poems is that I can always expect them to be very well-written and well-expressed. No pressure, though it's truth. ^^

I do like to believe that the silver lining still does exist though, even if it's hidden from sight. :)

Lovely poem John, and thank you!

Brain Abuse

I'm sure everyone's gone through this at some point! And it's so very, very frustrating... I hope you manage to get a goodnight's sleep henceforth without your brain keeping you awake! ;D

Amusing poem, and much appreciated!

Brain Abuse

I'm sure everyone's gone through this at some point! And it's so very, very frustrating... I hope you manage to get a goodnight's sleep henceforth without your brain keeping you awake! ;D

Amusing poem, and much appreciated!

Maudite Malediction

... Wow. Slightly frightening, but extremely well-written. I like it, though I confess it made me shiver a little. ;]


Rock Springs Stream in Flood

Lovely and evocative. With the way you write, I can almost see it myself and it is beautiful. :]

Cheers and thanks for the lovely poem!

Garden Goddess

This is so beautifully written that it's haunting; spectacular, spectacular write. ;)


Evokes such a lovely, slightly heartbreaking picture. The pictures of Japan in Sakura season are always so beautifully pink. ;) Loved this.

Sweet Sixteen

This is such an adorably sweet poem.. The awkwardness of the transition between childhood and adolescence, and always wanting to be seen as older. X3 Loved the read!

De Pan O' Scouse*

I have no idea what a pan of scouse is, but you've made me want to eat it. ;) Loved this!

Another day:Another way

Powerful read, this. It is what so many civilians would like to say to our governments, especially when you hear news on TV about wars here and bombings there and rebellions and more. What's more: 'into ploughshares beat our spears, let our sword become our pruning shears' is so terribly representative of the transition the world needs to go through... Excellent.

...On the onset of white stuff

Oooh, snow. I want to see it. :) Tropical countries are woefully devoid of that white stuff.

Delightful poem, this. ^^ As always.

Come FLY with me

Ahhhh, this romance had such a promising start... XD Had being the keyword, haha!! The poem begins so delightfully, and then at the end.. My hand met my face in abject horror and hilarity. Lovely poem! And a most interesting experience!

... Come FLY with me, let's fly, let's fly away~ -hums- xD

Contemplating Pagination

Ahah, this is a most amusing poem. Never quite thought of pages that way. You should have whimsical moods more often. X3

Loved the read~

Plastic Poppies

The issue this presents is one that has been handled disgracefully. I find it ironic that they make such a to-do about the casualties of war and what heroes the men who died were (not that they aren't; don't get me wrong) and then they turn a blind eye to those who return. It's as if they would rather not have to view the product of their warmongering; absence makes the Heart grow fonder.

I could go on about this, but I will refrain. This poem highlights something that really badly needed looking at, and it does so in an eloquent, pointed manner that really just reels the reader in. Excellent.


Wow. This was a poignantly written piece. I loved it. ^^


Wow. This was a poignantly written piece. I loved it. ^^

The Ghost Of My Love

Excellent. So beautifully haunting that it clings to and draws a reader through. I enjoyed it very much, even though the theme is so terribly sad. :)

Forest of Bere.

This was a lovely read! Evokes a sort of dreamy style that makes you want to go wherever it was that inspired this. ;) When I was on poetbay last, five years ago you were one of my favourite poets; I'm glad the search engine found you again!


Street Child

There are many things that can result in a child growing up too fast. Tragedy, desperation, cruelty. Among others. And all three can be found on the street.

Beautifully written, poignantly drawn. Excellent.


Butch Bitch

The first four lines could apply to me, funnily enough! X3

An entertaining read! Loved it, and thank you!
