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Member since 2007-02-17
Has written 184 comments

Has received 146 applauds


Hi my name is Mark Heathcote
and I live in Manchester, England,
my hobbies inclued gardening, fishing, poetry & music,

My Secret

M Heathcote

58 years old from England

MY TEXTS, Archive 29 Texts

Candle wax sky (3) - 2007-09-05
One man of absolute care (2) - 2007-07-11
Till the dawn-light ember lilts (4) - 2007-05-30
The gambit of heaven above (4) - 2007-05-25
Pale white beauty (3) - 2007-05-08
Lay still my beating heart! (6) - 2007-05-03
If I saw you in the moonlight (2) - 2007-04-10
Humble as a bird (2) - 2007-03-02
Hummingbird (4) - 2007-02-27

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