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To be honest, I'm more a philosopher than a poet.
I think too much.
To be honest, I'm more a philosopher than a poet.
I think too much.
mickeko51 years old from |
Egress (4) - 2015-01-09
Trapped! (1) - 2009-06-11
What was once unseen (1) - 2009-05-26
Evolution (1) - 2009-05-14
MY TEXTS, Archive 35 Texts
Like a moth to a black hole (1) - 2024-12-16
The quantum god (2) - 2023-08-28
Fire in the whole (1) - 2017-12-04
Egress (4) - 2015-01-09
*WOOOSH* (2) - 2014-10-19
Fish (2) - 2014-08-31
Nothing is something. (1) - 2014-06-04
Recipe for a humble life. (2) - 2014-03-25
Cleansing - 2014-03-25
Poisoned - 2014-03-01
Nest (2) - 2014-02-09
The burden (unedited) - 2013-07-18
Two mind myself (1) - 2013-01-04
Nothing to see here. - 2012-11-23
Empty (Raw) - 2012-11-18
Subconscious therapy. - 2012-08-01
Because I'm naturally drawn toward death (1) - 2012-03-12
Prophecy - 2012-03-11
Black Fire (3) - 2012-01-17
Theatrical Silence (2) - 2011-12-24
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"Every day is a good day, if you look at it from the right mind."