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Member since 2014-12-30
Has written 1723 comments

Has received 2765 applauds



one trick pony is lynn

aka jim



life is a very slow disappearing act

one trick pony

MY TEXTS, Archive 835 Texts

produce (2) - 2024-06-13
sketches 2 (2) - 2024-06-12
sweet (2) - 2024-06-09
au naturel - 2024-06-05
unity - 2024-06-01
midnight (3) - 2024-05-09
birds of a different feather (2) - 2024-04-03
aside to marketa (2) - 2024-04-03
on hwy 1 (1) - 2024-04-03
summit (2) - 2024-04-03
on the patio, once again - 2024-03-29
what happened in lincoln park (2) - 2024-03-25
lincoln park redux (1) - 2024-03-22
ten of three (3) - 2024-03-11
for you (4) - 2024-03-06
heat pump (2) - 2024-02-21
out of blue - 2024-01-25
always (3) - 2023-12-24
badminton girl - 2023-12-24
nabokov's butterflies (1) - 2023-12-20

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