THE TRUMP* APPLE TREE! (added lines)

The tree was covered in blossom
That was somert strange in colour
Brown - rather - like Hitlers shirt
Gave of an aroma of an open cesspit
Apples that - drop - drops - not far from the grand daddy tree
Trumps grandaddy - ran hookers - her a pimp - tax dodger
A KKK member
Granddaddy - fled back to Germany - till it were safe to go back
To the old U S of A - when the coast were clear

Now an orchard - grows - the stench - aroma
Drifted both near and far as if the Trump Apple Tree
May well - spread it's stench - world wide!

* trump a British word meaning fart

ken d williams

The Accidental Dyslexic Wordsmith

Poetry by ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 734 times
Written on 2016-02-25 at 19:04

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Soup in the Sand
Excellent! Too many grins...and troubled count.

Nancy Sikora
That's hilarious.

Spot on Ken, I'm smiling, but we know it ain't funny.

Enjoyed this Ken

Right on the money

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
good one ken. this would be funny if it weren't so sad. the likening between trump and hitler is legitimate.