The void

The void is always terrifying
no love, no loss, no point in trying

No will, no goal, feeling or climb
So i chose heartbreak every time

the shudder never feels the same
you'll always have something to tame

Either the need to share the night
Or to never let him out of your sight

Then tame the butterflies that burst
and make you think of best and worst

Try to tame the two extremes
But never find yourself in between

Then tame the guilt that comes along
when everything seems to go wrong

Tame the heart that pumps the tales
of lost love and bitten nails

Sleepless nights of love and flame
Sleepless nights of guilt and shame

I'd rather get my heart destroyed
than be sucked back into the void.

Poetry by zana
Read 925 times
Written on 2016-04-29 at 10:52

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Kathy Lockhart
Your heart so poignantly written in a lovely rhyming style so pleasing to the ear. At the same time the sadness of the choices is the darkness of the beauty of its poetry.

Ivan R
Very good poem and feeling into words

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
i agree with your well written poem, the void is too awful. i think Alfred, Lord Tennyson would agree:

"'Tis better to have loved and lost: Than never to have loved at all." —In Memoriam A.H.H.