
You pick me up and mold me
into what you want me to be
Into what you want to need

I let go of all glory
and I just wait and see
drowning in my greed

I want to hate the moments
but I love them just the same
the shapes you make of me

when your eyes start to wonder
and you hate what I became
tell me who to be

I could be the sole flower
plucked and stepped and used
if that is what you need

I could be the plant
with the strong and deep roots
protecting your seed

I could be the full garden
but you'd have to water often
and we both know you forget

I could be the naked flowers
plucked, withered and softened
the ones you want to get

But when you're molding me
and your eyes wonder far
don't stretch far me too thin

Whoever I come to be
I can jump and reshape back
that's how I always win.

Poetry by zana
Read 67 times
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Written on 2024-12-02 at 20:34

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Your poem has been chosen to be featured on the home page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting on our poetry website!

Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Nice, flows well
Regards Alan

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Yes, I like this. I think the form is good and the 'semi-repetition' works well as does the flower metaphor.
Blessings, Allen