Him 4

It's like I was born for this.
Like I was born for him.
To serve selflessly
to take only by watching

to bare the burden of the dullness everything else causes
to hold my breath until the next moment he calls out
to desaturate the colors of any other joy
and highlight anything that surrounds him

And suddenly
nothing else made sense.

Poetry by zana
Read 912 times
Written on 2016-07-11 at 20:37

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I completely agree with kathy
The rawness of your poems is stilled yet made more powerful by how carefully you craft them

The first verse like an overture is slow and sweet
Suddenly the second verse overtakes like a full symphony and leaves you gasping for breath
That third verse is the gasp

I think I'm in love with you

Kathy Lockhart
your poetry is so very powerful and yet so delicate and vulnerable. applause!!