Constant Sorrow

I’m so tired,


Running after life,


Full of anger, hatred and ignorance,


Sick of wearing the mask,


Of being an ideal person,


Wanted to go wild again,


To a carefree road,


That leads to happiness,


And peace inside.

Poetry by Zalan
Read 1061 times
Written on 2016-09-25 at 18:18

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Be that. Be the mask write the mask don't rite straight forward poems have fun with them weave webs of fantasy for in words you can be anything your ever wanted

Kathy Lockhart
Poetry can be the written expression of the spirit.
The desire for peace seems to be from the wholeness of all purity.

Striving for light and truth, while shedding the bondage of lies, frees the spirit, to once again, find its natural place of peace.

Bibek The PoetBay support member heart!
Good luck for your journey. Bon voyage.