Death-The Ultimate Truth

We took birth on this earth to die,

A fleeting moment 'neath the sky.

Some leave in pain, some in bliss,

Life's final bow, the ultimate kiss.


We chase the dreams, we chase the gold,

Stories of glory we love to unfold.

Yet we forget in life's grand quest,

We're merely preparing for eternal rest.


Each step we take, each breath we draw,

Brings us closer to nature's law.

A journey that ends, a timeless truth,

From aged wisdom to tender youth.


So let us live with love and grace,

Cherish each moment, embrace our space.

For death is not the end, but the start,

Of a greater mystery, life’s final art.

Poetry by Zalan
Read 78 times
Written on 2024-12-06 at 03:44

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